This function is called by the cov_bioclim module and downloads bioclimatic data on from Bioclim via geodata. It returns a list of SpatRasters for the selected variables
cov_bioclim(shape, country_code, variables, async = FALSE)
sf. sf object containing the area of interest
vector. ISO3 code of the country or countries.
vector. List of the bioclimatic variables to be returned.
Options are: Mean temperature
, Mean diurnal range
, Isothermality
Temperature seasonality
, Maximum temperature warmest month
Minimum temperature coldest month
, Temperature range
Mean temperature wettest quarter
, Mean temperature driest quarter
Mean temperature warmest quarter
, Mean temperature coldest quarter
Total precipitation
, Precipitation wettest month
Precipitation driest month
, Precipitation seasonality
Precipitation wettest quarter
, Precipitation driest quarter
Precipitation warmest quarter
, Precipitation coldest quarter
logical. Whether or not the function is being used asynchronously
a list of containing an item for each variable, either SpatRaster
objects when async
or PackedSpatRaster objects when async
x_min <- 9.47
x_max <- 9.63
y_min <- 47.05
y_max <- 47.27
poly_matrix <- matrix(c(x_min, x_min, x_max, x_max, x_min,
y_min, y_max, y_max, y_min, y_min), ncol = 2)
poly <- sf::st_polygon(list(poly_matrix))
shape <- sf::st_sf(1, geometry = list(poly))
sf::st_crs(shape) = 4326
raster <- cov_bioclim(shape = shape,
country_code = "LIE",
variables = c("Mean temperature", "Mean diurnal range"))