Shinyscholar creates a skeleton R Shiny application that can be used to create complex applications that are modular, meet academic standards of attribution and are reproducible outside of the application. By using shinyscholar, to create a template application, developers will be encouraged to produce applications that are maintainable and run reliably without having to learn software development best-practices from scratch. shinyscholar was forked from wallace v2.0.5 (CRAN, website) a modular platform for reproducible modelling of species distributions. Specifically, it harnesses the higher-level structure and core attributes of Wallace but removes its discipline-specific features, yielding a generic template for developers to make their own applications. We are very grateful to the contributors to wallace and the features retained from it and the new features added in shinyscholar are described in NEWS
Shinyscholar also contains an example application with four components (Select, Plot, Reproduce, Template) each of which contain one or more modules (select_query
, select_async
, select_user
, plot_hist
, plot_scatter
, plot_auto
, rep_markdown
, rep_renv
, rep_refPackages
and template_create
) and their code is found in the inst/shiny/modules
directory. Each of the modules in the Select and Plot components calls a function with the same name that is found in the R
directory. The select_query
module and underlying function is the most complex, containing various components for handling errors, both in the module and in the function. The other modules are very simple but included to demonstrate how multiple components and modules can be used. The Reproduce component is used to generate an rmarkdown document that reproduces the analysis conducted in the application. The Template component can be used to produce and download a template version of an app with the same features.
To use shinyscholar to create new applications you can install with the following R code:
Or via Github with:
To run the example application requires additional packages and this can be achieved with:
install.packages("shinyscholar", dependencies = TRUE)
Shiny apps lower the barrier for entry for users to complete complex analyses, by enabling online access to the rich ecosystem of R packages through a graphical user interface. However, often apps produced by academics do not follow best practices in software development or open science. If apps become popular, more features are requested and developers move onto new roles, it may become difficult to maintain their codebase. If users cannot reproduce their analyses outside of the application, it prevents them from modifying analyses to suit their particular use-case, makes it harder to understand the analysis and limits their ability to use the results in publications. Additionally, it may not be possible to determine which R packages are being used in the application, making it more onerous to cite the packages in publications. Other packages exist for creating templates of shiny apps, e.g. golem and rhino but these are more generic and do not contain features specifically for use by academics.
wallace addressed these shortcomings and the attributes of shinyscholar are built upon those of wallace. Apps built using shinyscholar should maintain these characteristics:
data tables, and visualizations of resultsShinyscholar is aimed towards creating applications for complex analyses that have several steps and where there may be multiple options for each step e.g. where the data is sourced from, which model is used or how the results are plotted. It is probably not suitable for use if you have never developed a shiny app before, but if you have developed a simple app which is growing in complexity, it should be fairly straightforward to migrate your code across.
Shinyscholar is licensed under the GPLv3 license and consequently any apps made using shinyscholar must be licensed under the same license.
The create_template()
function can be used to create the template for a new app. For example, the following call will produce a folder called demo
in your Documents folder and create an app containing two components (load and plot) each containing two modules. You can choose whether certain features are included in the overall app by setting the include_*
parameters and also whether each module contains mapping, result, rmarkdown and save functionality by setting the parameters inside the modules
dataframe. common_objects
contains the name of objects shared between modules and will be available inside all of the modules as e.g. common$raster
. See this section for more details on the common
data structure.
You can also generate a template app using the Template component of the app either run locally with run_shinyscholar()
or at
modules <- data.frame(
"component" = c("load", "load", "plot", "plot"),
"long_component" = c("Load data", "Load data", "Plot data", "Plot data"),
"module" = c("user", "database", "histogram", "scatter"),
"long_module" = c("Upload your own data", "Query a database to obtain data", "Plot the data as a histogram", "Plot the data as a scatterplot"),
"map" = c(TRUE, TRUE, FALSE, FALSE),
"result" = c(FALSE, FALSE, TRUE, TRUE),
"rmd" = c(TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE),
"save" = c(TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE),
"download" = c(FALSE, FALSE, TRUE, TRUE),
"async" = c(FALSE, TRUE, FALSE, FALSE))
common_objects = c("raster", "histogram", "scatter")
shinyscholar::create_template(path = file.path("~", "Documents"), name = "demo", author = "Simon E. H. Smart", common_objects = common_objects, modules = modules, install = TRUE)
This creates a directory with the following structure:
├── DESCRIPTION Define dependencies
├── inst
│ └── shiny
│ ├── common.R Data objects shared between modules
│ ├── global.R Loads package and modules
│ ├── helpers.R Functions to create module UI
│ ├── server.R App server
│ ├── ui.R App UI
│ ├── modules
│ │ ├── core_code.R Displays code
│ │ ├── core_intro.R Produces introductory walkthrough
│ │ ├── core_load.R Loads app
│ │ ├── core_mapping.R Creates map
│ │ ├── core_save.R Saves app
│ │ ├── Module guidance
│ │ ├── plot_histogram.R Module UI and server
│ │ ├── plot_histogram.Rmd Reproduces the module
│ │ ├── plot_histogram.yml Module configuration
│ │ ├── ... (repeated for other modules)
│ ├── Rmd
│ │ ├── gtext_plot.Rmd Guidance text for each component
│ │ ├── gtext_rep.Rmd
│ │ ├── gtext_select.Rmd
│ │ ├── references.Rmd Template for rep_refPackages
│ │ ├── text_about.Rmd Main panel on intro tab
│ │ ├── text_how_to_use.Rmd Detailed instructions
│ │ ├── text_intro_tab.Rmd Sidebar on intro tab
│ │ ├── text_loadsesh.Rmd Guidance for loading
│ │ ├── text_team.Rmd Lists developers
│ │ ├── userReport_intro.Rmd Introduction to markdown
│ │ └── userReport_module.Rmd
│ └── www
│ ├── css
│ │ └── styles.css
│ ├── favicon.ico
│ ├── js
│ │ └── shinyjs-funcs.js
│ └── logo.png
├── R
│ ├── helper_functions.R Various utility functions
│ ├── run_demo.R Function to run app
│ ├── plot_histogram_f.R Function for each module
│ ├── plot_scatter_f.R
│ ├── select_query_f.R
│ └── select_user_f.R
└── tests
└── testthat
├── test-plot_histogram.R Tests for each module
├── test-plot_scatter.R
├── test-select_query.R
└── test-select_user.R
creates the file structure of a package and if install
is set to TRUE
it will be installed automatically. If you prefer to install manually, run devtools::install_local(path = "~/Documents/demo", force=TRUE)
(assuming as in the example above the app was initiated in ~/Documents/demo
). You need to repeat this process after making changes to the app, or if using Rstudio, use Ctrl+Shift+B or Command+Shift+B. Now you can run the app using shiny::runApp(system.file('shiny', package='demo'))
or demo::run_demo()
After installing the initial version, the modules only contain skeleton code. There are four files for each module located in /inst/shiny/modules
and each module calls a function found in /R
. It may be helpful to familiarise yourself with the code for the existing application either by viewing the files in /inst/shiny/modules
or by using the Code tab in the example app.
This is the main module file and contains the UI and server components as well as any other functionality specified at initialisation. <identifier>
is used as a placeholder for the identifier of the module e.g. load_user.
The <identifier>_module_ui
function can be developed just like a normal UI function inside a shiny app, but only contains *Input elements and the input ids need wrapping inside ns()
to create ids that are unique to the module. The template contains an actionButton
which when clicked runs the code inside the *_module_server
function. If the computations performed by the module are simple, then you could choose to remove the actionButton()
so that the observeEvent()
runs reactively whenever the inputs are changed. The plot_auto
and plot_semi
modules in the example app demonstrate how this can be achieved.
The <identifier>_module_server
function contains an observeEvent()
which is run when the actionButton()
in the UI is clicked. Inside the observeEvent()
there is a consistent structure to the code:
common$logger %>% writeLog()
See the documentation of shinyscholar::writeLog()
for more details.common
object. This can be semi-automated using the metadata()
function once you have finished developing the module.trigger()
is called which can be used to trigger actions elsewhere in the module or app using watch()
. This should not need editing.input
values or common
objects to produce render*
objects which will be passed to the _module_result
values can be stored as a list
inside the save
function e.g. select_date = input$date
when the app is saved and then retrieved when the app is loaded using various updateInput
functions inside the load
function e.g. updateSelectInput(session, "date", selected = state$select_date
). This can be done automatically by calling save_and_load()
either for all the modules or a single module.The <identifier>_module_result
function contains the *Output()
functions which would normally be included in the UI function. As in the *_module_ui
function, the object ids need wrapping inside ns()
The <identifier>_module_map
function updates the leaflet map. map
is a leafletProxy()
object created in the main server function so leaflet functions can be piped to it e.g. map &>& addRasterImage()
The *_module_rmd
function creates a list of objects which are passed to the module’s .Rmd file to reproduce the analysis. The first *_knit
object is a boolean used to control whether or not the module has been used and therefore whether the markdown should be included in the user’s markdown. Writing this code can be semi-automated using the metadata()
function once you have finished developing the module.
This is a template for the rmarkdown that can be used to reproduce the module. Objects from *_module_rmd
are passed into this template when the user downloads the rmarkdown. Objects from the *_module_rmd
function are passed into the template when the document is knitted. If module_setting
is added to the list in *_module_rmd
then the value will be substituted for {{module_setting}}
inside the .Rmd. If module_setting
is a character string, then you need to use "{{module_setting}}"
inside the .Rmd.
This is a guidance document to explain the theoretical background behind the module and how it has been implemented.
This is a configuration file used when the modules are loaded. Add any R packages used inside the module or the function that it calls to package
so that they can be cited. Package names should be included as plain text rather than as strings e.g. package: [dplyr,shiny]
. The short_name
field is used to generate the UI for selecting which module to use. By default it uses the module
column of the modules
dataframe but you may wish to edit this for clarity.
This function performs the computation of the module. Creating this function separately to the shiny functionality is advantageous because it is easier to test, separates reactivity from computation, is easier to document, and because it can be called from inside the .Rmd file. Messages can be posted to the log from inside these functions if it is passed common$logger
but this should set to NULL
by default so that message are printed to the console when the function is used outside of the application. See /R/select_query_f.R
for an example.
Each component has a skeleton guidance document located in inst/shiny/Rmd
e.g. gtext_plot.Rmd
which you should use to describe the functionality of the component in general and also include any relevant references.
These should not require substantial editing unless you wish to change the layout or appearance of the app. One exception is the block of code in server.R
that creates the table because this is shared between modules.
The colour of elements in the app are controlled by the theme present in the bslib::bs_theme()
function inside ui.R
. The default theme used is spacelab
, but you can choose your own from
This file contains the data structure that is shared between modules and you can add extra objects as you wish. common
is an R6 class which is similar to a list()
but items in it must be declared in this file before you use them in the app. Any type of object can be stored in common
, i.e. dataframes, plots, strings etc. By default, all the objects in common
are created as NULL
but you may wish to change these to load a default value. Objects inside common
are not reactive by default, but you can make them reactiveVal
or reactiveValues
, for example like common$logger
. Objects in common
can also be functions, for example in the demonstration app, common$add_map_layer()
is used to add a layer to common$map_layers
During development, it is often necessary to run the app to manually test functionality and in a complex application, it may take a long time to get the app into a state where the module in development can be used. The save and load functionality provides a mechanism to speed up this process, as the app can be saved prior to a module being tested, allowing the state to be restored quickly if the module contains fatal errors. You can preload the saved file by passing load_file
to the run_<app name>
function, but this requires the most recent changes to be installed. Alternatively to run uninstalled changes, create a load_file_path
variable containing a path to the save file, then use shiny::runApp('inst/shiny')
or click the “Run App” button in Rstudio.
One test file for each module is created by create_template()
and placed in tests/testthat/
. It contains one unit test for the function which checks that it returns NULL
and one end-to-end test which runs the app runs and that one of the objects in common
remains set as NULL
. During development of the modules, you should add tests to check the function runs as expected, returns errors when it cannot run and that the function runs when called from the app.
Unit tests should be added for each function called by each module to ensure that it produces the intended output and returns errors appropriately. These tests are run in the conventional manner by testthat.
End-to-end testing is used to validate that the app itself functions and uses shinytest2. Tests can be recorded using shinytest2::record_test()
but the snapshot functionality of the package does not work well with the architecture of this package. Recording tests is still a useful way to record the input names required to navigate through the app though. common
is made available for use inside tests by using common <- app$get_value(export = "common")
so you can check that objects are in the expected state after running a module. This method is quite flaky however and if it does not work, alternatively common
can be accessed by using the save functionality:
app$set_inputs(main = "Save")
save_file <- app$get_download("core_save-save_session", filename = save_path)
common <- readRDS(save_file)
Entries in the logger can be accessed using logger <- app$get_value(export = "logger")
and you can check that messages are reaching it using expect_true(grepl("*<message>*", logger))
The default behaviour of requiring an actionButton
to be pressed every time a module is run may not always be appropriate or desirable. It is possible to alter the architecture of the modules to run either automatically when certain conditions are met (e.g. after another module runs) or semi-automatically so that pressing the button once is required, but afterwards any changes in inputs automatically rerun the module. Examples of how to achieve this were added in v0.2.6 in the plot_auto
and plot_semi
modules in the example app. In the case of the automatic module, the common$meta$plot_auto$used
flag is set inside the renderPlot
which ensures that while the module runs automatically, it will only be included in the reproducible version if the module’s results have been viewed by the user.
Further modules can be added using create_module()
which creates the four files for the module. The module configuration file then needs to be added to base_module_configs
in global.R
and should be placed in the relevant position for the analysis since this vector controls the order of chunks within the Rmarkdown output. Any extra data objects that the modules creates must be added to common.R
. This does not currently create the testing files or function file so these must be added manually.
Support for asynchronous operations was added in v0.2.0 using the new ExtendedTask
feature added in shiny v1.8.1. This has the advantage of allowing long-running operations to run in the background whilst the app remains responsive to the user and any other users connected to the same instance. Running modules asynchronously increases complexity however and requires several changes to structure of modules and the app itself. The select_async
module contains an implementation that is functionally identical to select_query
but runs asynchronously.
is a list that stores details of all the asynchronous tasks. Each task is added to the list above the observeEvent()
in the <identifier>_module_server
function as common$tasks$<identifier>
. The task contains the module’s function wrapped by promises::future_promise()
and bound to a bslib::bind_task_button()
which disables the button when the task is running:
common$tasks$<identifier> <- ExtendedTask$new(function(...) {
}) |> bslib::bind_task_button("run")
The task is invoked inside the observeEvent()
by calling common$tasks$<identifier>$invoke()
with the arguments of the module’s function. As in the default implementation, metadata should be stored at this point when the function is called.
Because the asynchronous tasks are run in a different R session, common$logger
is no longer accessible from inside the module’s function and therefore cannot be used to send messages to the logger directly. Instead, an async
parameter needs to be added to the function and error messages can be passed to return(async %>% asyncLog("message", type = "error"))
which returns the error when used asynchronously or passes the message to stop()
when not used asynchronously, for example in the .Rmd.
A separate observe()
named results
is required to listen for the result of the task available at common$tasks$<identifier>$result()
but to prevent endless loops, we must stop the observer from functioning once the results are calculated by calling results$suspend()
and reactivate it prior to the task being invoked using results$resume()
. Inside results
, the class of the object returned by the function should be checked and either passed to common$logger
if it is an error message or stored in common
as in the default implementation.
In the default implementation, only the mapping function of the currently selected module can be called, which prevents the result of an asynchronous task being added to the map. Instead map
is passed as an argument to the module server function and then called once the result has been produced using"<identifier>_module_map", list(map, common))
The task needs to started using app$click(selector = "#<identifier>-run")
. shinytest2 cannot detect that an asynchronous task is running and so the timeout
parameter of shinytest2::AppDriver()
must be set to allow sufficient time for the function to run. An input
value should be set inside results
using shinyjs::runjs("Shiny.setInputValue('<identifier>-complete', 'complete');")
which can then be detected inside the test using app$wait_for_value(input = "<identifier>-complete")
to indicate that the task has completed.
shinyscholar was developed as part of a project to develop digital tools for modelling infectious diseases funded by Wellcome at the University of Leicester. The version of Wallace that shinyscholar was derived from was funded by the Global Biodiversity Information Facility, National Science Foundation and NASA.
If PDF downloading of session code is not working for you, please follow the following instructions, taken from here: - Step 1: Download and Install MiKTeX from - Step 2: Run Sys.getenv("PATH")
in R studio. This command returns the path where Rstudio is trying to find pdflatex.exe. In Windows (64-bit), it should return “C:Files.exe”. If pdflatex.exe is not located in this location Rstudio gives this error code 41. - Step 3: To set this path variable run: Sys.setenv(PATH=paste(Sys.getenv("PATH"),"C:/Program Files/MiKTeX 2.9/miktex/bin/x64/",sep=";"))
If you are using Windows, please download and install RTools before installing the devtools
package. After you install RTools, please make sure you add “C:” to your PATH variable (instructions here). Additionally, when using devtools
on Windows machines, there is a known bug that sometimes results in the inability to download all package dependencies. If this happens to you, please install the packages and their dependencies directly from CRAN.