Adds lines to modules and their associated rmarkdown files to semi-automate reproducibility. By default all the modules in the application are edited or you can specify a single module. If metadata lines are already present, the file will not be edited. This function is currently experimental and only semi-automates the process. To ensure that the code is functional complete the following steps:
Check that any inputs created by packages other than 'shiny' are included
Add any inputs created dynamically i.e. those without an explicit
line of code to generate them, for example those created inside a loop in a
or from a 'leaflet' or 'DT' object.
Use the objects in each .Rmd
file to call the module's function.
metadata(folder_path, module = NULL)
No return value, called for side effects
td <- tempfile()
dir.create(td, recursive = TRUE)
modules <- data.frame(
"component" = c("demo"),
"long_component" = c("demo"),
"module" = c("demo"),
"long_module" = c("demo"),
"map" = c(FALSE),
"result" = c(TRUE),
"rmd" = c(TRUE),
"save" = c(TRUE),
"download" = c(TRUE),
"async" = c(FALSE))
create_template(path = td, name = "demo",
common_objects = c("demo"), modules = modules,
author = "demo", include_map = FALSE,
include_table = FALSE, include_code = FALSE, install = FALSE)
test_files <- list.files(
system.file("extdata", package = "shinyscholar"),
pattern = "test_test*", full.names = TRUE)
module_directory <- file.path(td, "demo", "inst", "shiny", "modules")
file.copy(test_files, module_directory, overwrite = TRUE)
#> [1] TRUE TRUE
metadata(file.path(td, "demo"), module = "test_test")
#> This function only semi-automates this process - see the documentation
#> for information on manual steps you need to complete.