Adds lines to modules and their associated rmarkdown files to semi-automate reproducibility. By default all the modules in the application are edited or you can specify a single module. If metadata lines are already present, the file will not be edited. This function is currently experimental and only semi-automates the process. To ensure that the code is functional complete the following steps:

  • Check that any inputs created by packages other than 'shiny' are included

  • Add any inputs created dynamically i.e. those without an explicit line of code to generate them, for example those created inside a loop in a renderUI or from a 'leaflet' or 'DT' object.

  • Use the objects in each .Rmd file to call the module's function.

metadata(folder_path, module = NULL)



character. Path to the parent directory containing the application


character. (optional) Name of a single module to edit


No return value, called for side effects


Simon E. H. Smart


td <- tempfile()
dir.create(td, recursive = TRUE)

modules <- data.frame(
  "component" = c("demo"),
  "long_component" = c("demo"),
  "module" = c("demo"),
  "long_module" = c("demo"),
  "map" = c(FALSE),
  "result" = c(TRUE),
  "rmd" = c(TRUE),
  "save" = c(TRUE),
  "download" = c(TRUE),
  "async" = c(FALSE))

create_template(path = td, name = "demo",
                common_objects = c("demo"), modules = modules,
                author = "demo", include_map = FALSE,
                include_table = FALSE, include_code = FALSE, install = FALSE)

test_files <- list.files(
  system.file("extdata", package = "shinyscholar"),
  pattern = "test_test*", full.names = TRUE)

module_directory <- file.path(td, "demo", "inst", "shiny", "modules")
file.copy(test_files, module_directory, overwrite = TRUE)
#> [1] TRUE TRUE

metadata(file.path(td, "demo"), module = "test_test")
#> This function only semi-automates this process - see the documentation
#>             for information on manual steps you need to complete.