Called by the plot_scatter module in the example app and samples values from a raster along with either the x or y coordinates of the points sampled
plot_scatter(raster, sample, axis, logger = NULL)
SpatRaster. Raster to be sampled
numeric. Number of points to sample
character. Which axis coordinates of the raster to return
Stores all notification messages to be displayed in the Log Window. Insert the logger reactive list here for running in shiny, otherwise leave the default NULL
a dataframe containing the axis values and the cell values
if (check_suggests(example = TRUE)) {
raster <- terra::rast(ncol = 8, nrow = 8)
raster[] <- sapply(1:terra::ncell(raster), function(x){
rnorm(1, ifelse(x %% 8 != 0, x %% 8, 8), 3)})
scatterplot <- plot_scatter(raster, sample = 10, axis = "y")
} else {
message('reinstall with install.packages("shinyscholar", dependencies = TRUE)
to run this example')