Converts 'shiny' *Input
functions to lines of code required
to store and reload the values when the app is saved or loaded. By default
all the modules in the application are edited. Currently only input
functions from 'shiny' and shinyWidgets::materialSwitch
are supported.
save_and_load(folder_path, module = NULL)
No return value, called for side effects
td <- tempfile()
dir.create(td, recursive = TRUE)
modules <- data.frame(
"component" = c("demo"),
"long_component" = c("demo"),
"module" = c("demo"),
"long_module" = c("demo"),
"map" = c(FALSE),
"result" = c(TRUE),
"rmd" = c(TRUE),
"save" = c(TRUE),
"download" = c(TRUE),
"async" = c(FALSE))
create_template(path = td, name = "demo",
common_objects = c("demo"), modules = modules,
author = "demo", include_map = FALSE,
include_table = FALSE, include_code = FALSE, install = FALSE)
test_files <- list.files(
system.file("extdata", package = "shinyscholar"),
pattern = "test_test*", full.names = TRUE)
module_directory <- file.path(td, "demo", "inst", "shiny", "modules")
file.copy(test_files, module_directory, overwrite = TRUE)
#> [1] TRUE TRUE
save_and_load(file.path(td, "demo"), module = "test_test")